Keeping Up with the Coronavirus
(Ridley, 2020)
(Ridley, 2020)
(Ridley, 2020)
What has it been like living through this isolation?
Living through this isolation has recently sunk in last week making me feel like I am living in a cage. My partner and I can't go see our parents, siblings or nieces and nephews and we are both becoming "bored" and "stir-crazy".
With my partner being a firefighter he has been getting a lot of overtime (OT) due to this virus, so I have started to feel extremely isolated!
Due to the fast spread of this virus airports and borders have shut down!
Our trip out West in May has been officially canceled, and we received a 24-month voucher.
What have we been doing to stay "busy"?
We have game nights via the zoom app (we play "Jackbox" online as a family)
We have been using FaceTime to visually see our friends and family
Board games & cards
Bike rides
Hiking & tons of walks
Naps, and not feeling guilty about it!
Working out at home (using canned goods as weights)
HOMEWORK, it is crunch time (See my next page on how it has been experiencing this isolation while being a full-time student)
"Faster than the virus itself, fear has spread around the globe" (Park & Campbell, 2020, p. 22)