Keeping Up with the Coronavirus
(Ridley, 2020)
(Ridley, 2020)
(Ridley, 2020)
After reading through the Government of Canada website is has been made clear that if you have been away on a trip, visited another country (even the U.S) or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, you are to self-quarantine for 14 days.
What does this mean?
You are to stay home, without leaving your house for 14 days, as long as you have shown no symptoms.
Stay home if you can (unless you work for an essential service (list of essential service is provided online)
WASH YOUR HANDS, and then wash them again
Do not attend big gatherings
Avoid shaking hands with other people
Respiratory Hygiene (cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing)
Try and stay 6 feet apart of another human at all times
Both of the photos to the left were taken at a No Frills grocery store:
1. The first photo is a sign that was posted outside of the grocery store. There was also a store worker outside wiping down each cart as customers returned them.
2. The second photo is showing the tape and stickers the store has on the floor indicating where to stand while waiting in line to pay for your groceries. This is practicing "social distancing", 6ft apart.
(Government of Canada, 2020; Ramesh, Siddaiah, & Joseph, 2020).